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Top AI Tools for Sales - Market Landscape in 2024

Top AI Tools for Sales - Market Landscape in 2024

With the release of new advanced LLM models, a revolution has started in the tech world - AI steps into whole industries and categories of specialists - from customer support to accounting. One of the biggest industries changing under the influence of artificial intelligence is sales. In this post, we will try to give an overview of the AI-powered sales software market. You will find several categories of such software covered - from simple tools for personalizing cold emails, to enterprise-grade revenue intelligence platforms, highlighting the most prominent players in each category.

For each product or tool, you will find a brief overview of the problem it solves in the sales funnel, how AI is utilized to solve this problem, and a summary of user feedback for this product (we analyzed dozens of reviews to come up with that!).

Let’s dive into the top 8 AI tools that can boost your sales:

#1 -

We couldn’t start without mentioning Muraena. Muraena is a B2B lead generation platform, augmented by AI. It’s designed to outperform competitors (like Zoominfo and Apollo) in 1 specific area - simplicity.

Imagine that you could simply write in plain English what kind of leads you’re looking for (or enter your company’s domains) — and Muraena will serve dozens of targeted leads in seconds. It’s like Google, but for B2B leads.

🔮 AI features:

  • ICP search: submit your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) in plain English, and Muraena will find you just what you’ve been looking for. The filters will be set up according to the ICP provided and you can edit them after that to narrow down the results.
  • Search by company’s domain: submit your or your competitor company’s domain (like and see targeted leads just for this company popping up. As simple as that.

On top of AI-powered search, Muraena’s got:

  • 120M+ validated professional profiles with their contact details.
  • Advanced company-level search features, including B2B buyers' intent, technographic insights, and company look-alike search.
  • Lean and simple pricing, with a 14-day free trial, no credit card required.

#2 - Lavender

Lavender is a superb tool for personalizing cold emails. If you were into cold outreach, you know how important it is to make it native and personalized for each recipient. No one likes to receive mass mailings, and Lavender solves exactly this problem.

🔮 AI features:

  • Email scoring: AI analyzes emails to grade the likelihood of getting replies and identifies improvement areas.
  • Email optimization: AI suggests content, tone, and structure changes to increase reply chances.
  • Data-Driven insights: Leverages data from millions of emails to identify best email communication practices.

🤔 Drawbacks:

  • Lack of accurate personalization: Some users found the personalization suggestions based on data to be inaccurate or unhelpful, especially for personality assessments.
  • Overemphasis on analytics: Could be a big plus for some, but other users felt Lavender provided too many metrics and analytics sections, failing to capture the nuances of effective communication.

#3 - AISDR

AiSDR is somewhat similar to Lavender, but facing a bigger mission - to replace Sales Development Representatives as a profession with AI, or at least to augment them, allowing you to put your sales on track in a day.

🔮 AI features:

  • Automated personalized email writing: AI writes and sends personalized sales emails leveraging prospect data and saving your time.
  • Lead qualification: AiSDR analyzes LinkedIn activity to determine interest levels and tailor pitches.
  • Meetings booking: AI aims to book meetings with interested prospects through automated conversations.

🤔 Drawbacks:

  • Not always accurate personalization: Suggestions based on data sources like LinkedIn may be inaccurate.
  • No B2B contacts: AiSDR doesn’t have its own database of B2B leads and works with lists and emails only provided by customers.

If you have a ready-made list of B2B leads and want to launch a personalized campaign for them, we recommend proceeding with AiSDR.

#4 - Lemlist

This tool doesn’t need an introduction - Lemlist for years has been a cutting-edge email outreach platform that empowers sales teams to craft highly personalized cold emails at scale.

With its AI-powered features like automated icebreakers, dynamic content personalization, and integration with popular CRMs, Lemlist takes over the entire cold email process, enabling SDRs to focus on high-impact activities.

🔮 AI features:

  • Email personalization: Lemlist uses AI to personalize emails at scale with dynamic fields like name, company, industry, etc.
  • Email warm-up: AI-powered email warm-up service to ensure high deliverability rates.
  • Email scoring: AI scores emails based on likelihood of response to optimize campaigns.

🤔 Drawbacks:

  • Steep learning curve: Setting up complex campaigns and leveraging all AI features may have a learning curve.

#5 - Copilot

This product truly lives up to its name. Copilot doesn't replace a salesperson but perfectly complements them at every stage of the sales funnel - from prospecting and setting up meetings to closing deals and follow-ups. It works especially well with sales teams rather than individual SDRs.

🔮 AI features:

  • AI-Powered LinkedIn lead gen: Automated campaigns to grow network, qualify prospects, and book meetings.
  • Personalized Messaging: Drafts personalized responses using conversation and profile details.
  • Sentiment analysis: AI helps to identify leads expressing the highest intent to schedule meetings.

🤔 Drawbacks:

  • Integration limitations: Extent of integrations with CRMs, Slack etc. via Zapier is unclear.
  • LinkedIn data dependence: Effectiveness relies heavily on the quality of LinkedIn data.

#6 - Clay

Clay has been buzzing through all the channels recently, and many salespeople love it. It's clear why – they've combined the data quality of numerous providers on the market and added artificial intelligence magic as a cherry on top. In simple words, using Clay you can find leads by your ICP (even very targeted ones), enrich data on accounts and people, and then send personalized email campaigns over them.

🔮 AI features:

  • Data enrichment: Clay enriches leads data with company info, contacts, and personalized messages.
  • Prospecting: AI capabilities allow prospecting for new leads from various data sources.
  • Automated personalization: Clay drafts personalized outreach messages based on enriched data.

🤔 Drawbacks:

  • Data sources dependence: Quality relies on the reliability of external data sources.
  • Steep learning curve for setting up complex workflows and integrations.

#7 - Amplemarket

Amplemarket entered the sales market not so long ago. It’s similar to Clay, and combines lead generation, prospecting, personalization, and much more on a single platform. Additionally, Amplamarket has mastered identifying contact-level buyer intent - this feature alone deserves your attention.

🔮 AI features:

  • AI-powered intelligence: buyent intent signals, job change alerts, and more
  • Lead generation and enrichment: Amplemarket uses AI for prospecting and enriching lead data with fresh contact details from over 35+ data channels.
  • AI-powered engagement: all channels in one tool to help you better engage with your prospect and close the deal

🤔 Drawbacks:

  • Issues with integrations and their functionality: some users say that Amplemarket lacks integrations with major CRM, and there are also issues with the usability of available integrations.

#8 -

Heavy players entering the sales - is an enterprise solution designed for large sales teams with hundreds of salespeople. The product functions like an oracle, guiding the team with recommendations on who to contact, what to say, and where to reach out. The high quality of the product is evidenced by its clients, including Cisco, Zoom, Unity, and others.

🔮 AI features:

  • AI-driven insights: provides insights to identify unqualified deals, missing personas, and neglected opportunities.
  • Deal qualification: Helps better qualify deals and surface necessary actions.
  • Data enrichment: Unifies and enriches revenue activity data for CRMs.
  • Pipeline Creation: Identifies right accounts and personas to engage.
  • Deal Execution: AI insights help tighten deal execution and achieve revenue targets.

🤔 Drawbacks:

  • Integration challenges: Potential issues integrating with specific CRMs or data sources.

If your team is empowered by 100+ salespeople and you want to boost their effectiveness drastically - is a no-brainer.


We are happy to see the evolving landscape of software & tools that utilize AI to assist sales teams in the challenges of lead generation and cold outreach. These tools can significantly boost the efficiency of entire sales teams and even uncover valuable insights or new market segments. Hope you will find them helpful and useful for your specific needs.

Among the tools reviewed, we’d like to highlight – a perfect and cost-effective platform for generating targeted B2B leads with unique AI power on top. Muraena effectively covers your prospecting needs and works just great in combination with other software to help you proceed down the funnel (for example, Lemlist).